Star Trek
Doctor Helen Elizabeth Noel
by Jenifer L. Madison

Doctor Helen Elizabeth Noel

DoB: 4th of October 2240
PoB: Starfleet Medical, San Francisco, California, Earth
HEIGHT: 5' - 7"
WEIGHT: 130 lbs.
HAIR: Long, Curly Dark Brown
EYES: Hazel
MARTIAL STATUS: Divorced, (Children "Jason and Gabrielle") ex-husband was divorced on the grounds of spousal abuse, murder of their children and sentenced to fifteen years on a Federation Penal Colony in 2284.
Father- Dr. Christian Robert Noel (Deceased 2240), Unsolved Homicide
Mother- Gabrielle Paras Noel (Deceased 2250), Unsolved Homicide
Uncle- Dr. Marshall Lewis Noel (Deceased 2271), Unsolved Homicide
Legal Guardian- Heihachiro Nogura (Deceased 2295), CoD: Death by Natural Causes
SIBLINGS: No Brothers or Sisters
HOBBIES & INTERESTS: Singing, Musical Instruments (Clarinet, Flute, Piano, Saxophone, Harps {French & Vulcan}, Violin, and Trumpet) / Dancing / Art & Literature / Gymnastics / History / Psychology / Sociology / Penology / Criminology / Anthropology / Shuttle Pilot / and various other types of sciences.
RANK: Captain & Doctor. DIVISION: Command/ Medical/ Science.
ACADEMY CLASS: Not Applicable, took Starfleet Medical Officer's accredited courses at the John Hopkins Medical University in Baltimore, Maryland, Earth. (2255 to 2263) Graduated as Valedictorian from John Hopkins Medical University.
CUREENT ASSIGNMENT: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E (2378 - The Present)
YEARS OF SERVICE: 124 years of distinguished service to the United Federation of Planets and to Starfleet Command / Surgeon General's Office / Judge Advocate General's Office / and to Starfleet Academy.

1st Assignment - Federation & Starfleet Maximum Security Penal Colony on the surface of Earth's Moon. (2261 to 2263) Rank: Cadet & Resident Intern / Positions Held: Psychologist / Penologist and Exercise Coordinator - Physical Trainer.

2nd Assignment - Federation & Starfleet Maximum Security Penal Colonies on the surface of Earth's Moon and Minos IV. (2263 to 2266) Rank: Lieutenant & Doctor / Positions Held: On-site Chief Counselor (Psychologist / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / Back-up Physician / Back-up Emergency Medical Trauma Personnel/ Back-up Shuttle Pilot and Exercise Coordinator - Physical Trainer.

3rd Assignment -- U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Constitution Class Starship - Heavy Battlecruiser) (2266 to Latter Part of 2269) Rank: Lieutenant & Doctor / Positions Held: Psychologist / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / Back-up Physician & Emergency Medical Trauma Personnel / and Shuttle Pilot.

4th Assignment - Starfleet Medical: Surgeon General's Office and the Judge Advocate General's Office (latter part of 2269 to mid 2271) Rank: Lieutenant & Doctor / Positions Held: Physician (M.D.) / Psychologist / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / and Back-up Air Trans Shuttle Pilot.

5th Assignment - U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 "Refit" (Constitution II Class Starship - Heavy Battlecruiser) (mid 2271 to early 2274 and from 2276 to 2281). Rank: Lieutenant (2271 to 2273) and Lieutenant Commander (2273 to 2284) & Doctor / Positions Held: Physician / Emergency Trauma Team Leader / Psychologist / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / Shuttle Pilot / Back-up Bridge Officer (Helm, Navigation, Communications and Science Stations). Special Note: In 2285, she volunteered to accompany the Enterprise crew on a joint Academy Trainee Cruise. During the crisis situation that occurred at Regula I - Science Station, Commander Helen Noel was serving as a joint officer in several areas of the ship, helping out wherever she could.

6th Assignment - Federation & Starfleet Maximum Security Penal Colonies on the surface of Earth's Moon and Minos IV. (2281 to 2285) Rank: Lieutenant Commander (2273 to 2284) & Commander (2284 to 2295) and Doctor / Positions Held: Emergency Medical Trauma Team Leader / On-site Chief Counselor / Psychologist / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / Exercise Coordinator - Physical Trainer and Shuttle Pilot.

7th Assignment - Starfleet Medical: Surgeon General's Office / Federation & Starfleet Security Division / Judge Advocate General's Office / Air Trans Shuttle Service (2285 to 2287) Rank: Commander & Doctor / Positions Held: Physician (M.D.) / Chief Counselor - Psychologist / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / and Shuttle Pilot.

8th Assignment - U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A (Enterprise II Class Starship - Heavy Battlecruiser) (2287 to 2294) Rank: Commander & Doctor / Positions Held: Physician / Trauma Team Leader / On-staff Chief Counselor / Psychologist / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / Back-up Bridge Officer (Helm, Navigation, Science, Communications Stations).

9th Assignment - Starfleet Medical: Surgeon General's Office / Federation & Starfleet Security Investigative Division and the Judge Advocate General's Corps (2294 to 2298) Rank: Commander & Doctor / Positions Held: Physician / On-Staff Counselor (Psychologist) / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / J.A.G. Investigator and Lawyer / and AirTrans Shuttle Service (pilot).

10th Assignment - U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-2000 (Excelsior I & II Class Starship - Heavy Battlecruiser) (2298 to 2340) Rank: Commander & Doctor / Positions Held: First Officer / Chief Science Officer / Emergency Medical Officer / On-site J.A.G. Investigator & Lawyer / On-Staff Counselor (Psychologist) / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / and Shuttle Pilot.

11th Assignment - U.S.S. Ambassador NCC-47094 (Ambassador I & II Class Starship - Heavy Battlecruiser) (2340 to 2350) Rank: Commander & Doctor / Positions Held: First Officer / Chief Science Officer / Emergency Medical Officer / On-Staff J.A.G. Investigator & Lawyer / On-Staff Counselor (Psychologist) / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / and Shuttle Pilot.

12th Assignment - U.S.S. Forrester NCC-18921 (Ambassador II Class Starship - Heavy Battlecruiser) (2350 to 2365) Rank: Commander & Doctor / Positions Held: First Officer / Chief Science Officer / Emergency medical Officer / On-Staff J.A.G. Investigator & Lawyer / On-Staff Counselor (Psychologist) / Sociologist / Criminologist / Penologist / and Shuttle Pilot.

13th Assignment - U.S.S. Yorktown NCC-1702-D (Galaxy Class Starship - Heavy Explorer) (2365 to 2378) Rank: Captain & Doctor / Positions Held: Commanding Officer / Emergency Medical Officer / On-Staff J.A.G. Investigator & Lawyer (Psychologist / Sociologist / Penologist / Criminologist) / and Shuttle Pilot.

14th Assignment - U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E (Sovereign III Class Starship - Heavy Explorer) (2378 to The Present) Rank: Captain & Doctor / Positions Held: Chief Counselor (Psychologist / Sociologist) / Back-up Senior Bridge Officer / Emergency Medical Officer / On-Staff J.A.G. Investigator and Lawyer (Penologist / Criminologist) / and Shuttle Pilot.


This information is provided by Federation Local Law Enforcement Officials of the City of San Francisco and by Mrs. Gabrielle Paras Noel, the legal wife to Dr. Christian Robert Noel. On the 4th of January 2240, local law enforcement officials discovered Dr. Christian Noel dead in his office at the San Francisco Community General Hospital at 2230 hr. Unknown to the authorities at that same exact moment that they had discovered Dr. Christian Noel's body in his office; Mrs. Gabrielle Noel was unknowingly being seduced by a shape-shifting type of being with telepathic powers to control the actions of his prey. This creature has the ability to change its physical shape at will to match that of someone or something that it had come directly in contact with. It had assumed the physical shape of Mrs. Gabrielle Noel's husband- Dr. Christian Noel who was at that very moment being pronounced dead at his office by the authorities. The shape-shifter had seduced Mrs. Gabrielle Noel in her own home and had successfully mated with her several times and thus brought about the birth of Mr. & Mrs. Noel's only child - Helen Elizabeth Noel on 4th of October 2240 at midnight; Starfleet Medical Hospital in San Francisco, California, Earth. Helen was born at the Starfleet Hospital primarily due to the fact that her father- Dr. Christian Noel had served in Starfleet for over fifteen years before he had retired to private life as civilian doctor.

Growing up as a child she was given regular tests to determine her level of general knowledge and her raw intelligence; her teachers and physicians were surprised to discover that she was a very bright, precocious, and almost to her determent very keenly intelligent too. She did well in her every day school work and opt to take a more challenging courses and permitted to do so at what was determined to be a save pace for some as young as herself. At the age of fifteen years old, she was hired by a shuttle piloting service known as "Air Trans Shuttle Courier Service," with a recommendation from her shuttle pilot instructor. She went to school during the day time, flew shuttles in the evening and went the San Francisco Community General Hospital at night working there as a volunteer - "Nurse's Aide". She worked at the hospital during several crisis situations which had been the result of accidents on the freeway or other such incidents; during which times she served to held the doctors & nurses out as much as she could. As a shuttle pilot at the age of fifteen years old, her position was without precedent and it gave her the opportunity to go places that most other fifteen year old teenagers did not go and see people that they didn't usually see either like the Surgeon General of Starfleet Medical. Over the next two years that she worked at the Air Trans Shuttle Service, she grew to earn the respect and admiration of the people that she transported on her shuttle including high ranking Starfleet Officials such as Vice Admiral Heihachiro Nogura and Starfleet Medical's Chief Surgeon General: Vice Admiral Dr. Richard Delmonty just to name a few.

In 2257, at the age of seventeen years old, she graduated from the advanced courses that she was taking at her school in San Francisco, and upon the completion of her graduation she was granted admittance into the Medical University at John Hopkins Research Medical Facility/ University in Baltimore, Maryland. It was here that she majored in the study of Psychology, Sociology, Criminology, Forensic Science, Pathology, Advanced Xeno-Biology and several surgical courses too. All of the courses that she was taking at John Hopkins Medical University, they were all accredited and accepted courses by Starfleet Medical's Medical Review Board. Her Intern Residency was also looked upon by the Medical Review Board as being part of her training and therefore she could not graduate from these courses until she had completed her term of residency at an Interstellar Maximum Security Prison held on the surface of Earth's Moon. She served her term of Intern Residency at this prison from 2261 to 2265, while at the same time she continued her relentless studying and test taking on her courses from John Hopkins Medical University in Baltimore, Maryland. While the term of her residency at this Penal Colony was quite harsh and at times even brutal in its realism of the state of mind criminals in this society; she was noted by the Chief Warden at the prison that she was usually in good spirits and always willing to try to help the guards and the prisoners alike with no discriminations in her feelings or actions. During the four years that she was assigned to this Penal Colony, she was involved directly in successfully helping & rehabilitating over a hundred prison inmates at the penal colony. However, she had also been subjected to being held hostage at least six different times by inmates that had managed to acquire weapons past the prison security measures. Her ability to keep her cool during these situations allowed her to wear her captors down mentally and emotionally with the exception of one of these situation that involved Romulan Prisoner that had held her captive. The Romulan Centurion that was held on that prison nearly beat her within an inch of her life; the centurion was killed by prison officials that stormed the prison cellblock where he was holding Resident Intern Penologist - Helen Noel and Federation Prison Guard - Sgt. Raymond Kelley. Upon the completion of the hostage situation in the cellblock, both Resident Intern - Helen Noel and Sgt. Raymond Kelley were transported by priority Medical Transport to Earth for immediate treatment of their injuries. It took six months for Intern - Helen Noel to make full and complete recovery, the guard was however back at the prison again within a few short weeks, fully restored back to active duty there. During the time that she was in recovery at the hospital, she received visits from Fleet Admiral Heihachiro Nogura (Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet Command), Starfleet Chief Surgeon General - Admiral Richard Delmonty, Head of the Foreign Affairs Office - Vice Admiral Lori Ciana, and Lieutenant Commander Dr. Leonard H. McCoy. By the time she had made a full & complete recovery from her injuries, it was time for her to graduate from the prestigious medical university with high honors at 99th Percentile of her entire class as Valedictorian in 2265 at the age of twenty-five years old. What is even more extraordinary about her graduation date from John Hopkins Medical University is that she was graduating from the prestigious university a full two years ahead of her scheduled graduation date. By this point in time she already had practical experience in her chosen field of Psychiatry and Penology; as she had gone with other medical officials from the hospital and university to prisons and other such places that were related to her field.

At the completion her graduation ceremony at the John Hopkins University Auditorium, Dr. Helen Noel was offered a position at several prestigious hospitals, prisons, psychiatric intuitions, all over the entire globe; but instead of choosing one of these prestigious jobs that paid very well, she instead choose to enter the Starfleet Medical/ Science Division which she had every intention of doing so several years ago. At the age of twenty-five years old, she was interviewed by the Starfleet Medical Review Board and the Surgeon General's Office too; she was accepted into the Starfleet Medical/ Science Division in 2265 as a full Lieutenant. Directly following her interview and acceptance into the Starfleet Medical/ Science Division; she was posted to the Federation/ Starfleet Maximum Security Penal Colony on Minos IV. The very thought of being back on another penal colony was not easy for Dr. Helen Noel to deal with so soon after her recovery from the brutal beating that she had taken from that Romulan Centurion. In the early part of 2266, she was taken hostage by an escapee from the Penal Colony on Minos IV; she was injured in her repeated attempts at trying to regain control over the situation by her vicious captor. After what she had been through with that Romulan Centurion in the latter part of 2264, she had decided not to let another inmate have that kind of control over her again. She was however, successful in getting the upper-hand on her captor; where she was then able to regain control over the prison transport and she managed to pilot it back to the Penal Colony at Minos IV, before she passed out from the loss of blood. At the prison's secured infirmary she was immediately treated for her injuries and she received a commendation for her actions in trying to escape & retake the prison transport from her captor.

In mid-2266, she received orders to transfer to the Federation Starship (Flagship) U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. She was specifically assigned to the Medical/ Science Divisions on board the Enterprise and thereby making her directly answerable to Lieutenant Commanders Dr. Leonard H. McCoy (Chief Medical Officer) and Spock (Executive & Chief Science Officer). As a trained Sociologist she was well aware of Vulcans strict disciplined behavior which was normally taken as them being non-emotional and cold beings; she on the other hand treated Lieutenant Commander Spock exactly as a Vulcan would and with the same type of logical & efficient type of thinking and performances in her duties on board the Enterprise. She was however, criticized repeatly by Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Leonard H. McCoy for her behavior in what he termed as being not appropriate to her job. The on-going dispute eventually came to the attention of the ship's Commanding Officer - Captain James T. Kirk; the dispute was concluded that Dr. Helen Noel was behaving out of respect for Mr. Spock's culture and traditions of the Vulcan People. Lieutenant Commander Dr. Leonard H. McCoy and Lieutenant Commander Spock did agree on one point at least that Dr. Helen Noel was one of the most efficient and capable scientist & physician that either of them had ever known. In December of 2266, she attended the annual Christmas Party on board the Enterprise in the Science Division she recognized her immediate physical attraction to the ship's Commanding Officer - Captain James T. Kirk and she also recognized that he felt similarly towards her as she was feeling towards him; but the regulations frowned on a Commanding Officer showing affection towards a junior officer and therefore neither of them were permitted at that time to pursue their mutual feelings for each other at that party.

A couple of weeks later still in the month of December of 2266, on Stardate 2715.1: The U.S.S. Enterprise, while on a resupply mission to the Penal Colony on Tantalus V, accidentally takes on an inmate attempting to escape from the penal colony. The inmate is later discovered to be Dr. Simon Van Gelder, the Associate Director of the rehabilitation colony on Tantalus V. An investigation is launched by Captain James T. Kirk and Resident Psychiatrist & Penologist Expert - Dr. Helen Noel reveals that Dr. Van Gelder is suffering from the adverse effects from an experimental neural neutralizer device developed by colony Director - Dr. Tristan Adams. The device, intended for treatment of violent patients, had induced temporary mental disorders in Dr. Van Gelder. The device was destroyed, and Dr. Van Gelder is apparently promoted to the position of colony director and Dr. Tristan Adams was killed during a struggle between him and Captain Kirk but due to the violent levels of the device that he developed and created (The Neural Neutralizer) was diagnosed as being the cause of his death due to overexposure. (DAGGER OF THE MIND, T.O.S.) While this was the only episode that Dr. Helen Noel was seen working on the Enterprise, according to Star Trek Creator & Producer - Gene Roddenberry, he had intended to have the character Dr. Helen Noel to remain on board the Enterprise for the remaining part of the ship's five years mission from mid - 2266 to the latter part of 2269 (about three and half years). So based on that original frame work of information, according to this profile of this Starfleet Officer, Lieutenant Dr. Helen Noel is officially recognized as having been on board the Enterprise during the time frame of mid - 2266 to the latter part 2269. During her service on board the Enterprise, she is noted for her dedication and efficiency to her duties and at the conclusion of her tour of duty on board the Enterprise in 2269 she received a high level commendation from her senior officers Commanders Spock and Dr. Leonard H. McCoy.

Upon the U.S.S. Enterprise's return home to Earth Spacedock in the latter part of 2269, she filed a formal report to the ship's Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Leonard H. McCoy that matched up with his own report concerning Fleet Admiral Heihachiro Nogura's request to have Captain James T. Kirk promoted to the Admiralty. Dr. Helen Noel's report stated that promoting Captain Kirk to a flag rank would jeopardize the strength of his character and his mental stability and Dr. McCoy's own report read very closely to that of Dr. Helen Noel's own report. Both officers are qualified Psychologists and thereby qualified to make that kind of judgment; but he rejected both reports and had Captain Kirk promoted to the rank of Flag Admiral in the early part of 2270. Despite the fact that Fleet Admiral Heihachiro Nogura had rejected her official report on Captain Kirk's mental competency for being promoted to the Admiralty; she still admired the Japanese old man that like a grand-father to her and that was in charge of Starfleet Command. She'd known Nogura for a long time and she knew that he would not have rejected her report for no reason, so she let the action slide and put in for temporary duty at Starfleet Medical: Surgeon General's Office on Earth in the early part of 2270; with the understanding of course that this was just a temporary assignment and that when the Enterprise's refit was completed that she would be reassigned to the newly refitted U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in mid to late 2271. Her expertise in the fields of Psychology, Sociology, Criminology, Penology and Forensic Science made her a very busy & active officer at the Surgeon General's Office on Earth and also with several other branches of Starfleet including the Judge Advocate General's Office, Starfleet & Federation Security and Hostage Fast Response teams too. During the first eight months that Flag Admiral James T. Kirk and Vice Admiral Lori Ciana were working together on the Troubleshooting Project of Starfleet, Lt. Dr. Helen Noel was invariably pitching in helping out in the best way that she could. For a short time she was also attached to the Starfleet Diplomatic Team that was assisting Vulcan Ambassador - Sarek with some negotiations that was getting of control. Ambassador Sarek was reported to having commented that Dr. Noel's assistance in the negotiations process was invaluable while his own aide was ill and had to be taken back to Vulcan for treatment.

In early 2271, she received her appointment to the only partially completed new U.S.S. Enterprise under the command of Captain Willard Decker and while she was one of the few officer that was able to come and go from the Enterprise she did always back to the starship whenever she was at Earth. Her tour of duty with the Surgeon General's Office and the J.A.G. Office was not officially up until the Enterprise's completion and therefore permitted them to still call her on assignments of interest to them and to which could take her away from the Enterprise. Lieutenant Commander Dr. Christine Chapel was pleased to see the very capable officer back on board the Enterprise again even though she was not always present on the ship, Dr. Chapel was always there to greet her back to the starship again when she returns from another assignment. SPECIAL NOTE: In the original version of the major motion picture - Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek Creator - Gene Roddenberry had originally intended to have actress - Marianne Hill to reprise the role of Lieutenant Dr. Helen Noel; but due to budget constraints her part was cut from the final version of the movie. However, the Star Trek - Encyclopedia, states that she was present during the emergency launching of the refitted U.S.S. Enterprise from the ship's orbital docking berth. While she was never shown during the released recording of the new Enterprise's encounter with the luminous cloud later known as V'ger; she was nevertheless on board the Enterprise when it was launched from Earth in mid - 2271 under the command of Flag Admiral/ Acting Captain James T. Kirk. During the crisis situation with the luminous cloud known as V'ger, she was noted by Chief Engineer: Cmdr. Montgomery Edward Scott as being instrumental & credited with having saved the lives of several injured crewmembers that had been wounded in Main Engineering. Cmdr. Montgomery Scott (Chief Engineer) sent a strong recommendation to Flag Admiral James T. Kirk, Cmdr. Dr. Leonard H. McCoy and Lt. Cmdr. Dr. Christine Chapel for her to receive a citation for Bravery for her actions on that particular occasion and several other incidents where she assisted other personnel in Main Engineering; for during a combat or emergency situation she was responsible for rendering aide and assistance to personnel on the lower decks such as Main & Auxiliary Engineering Sections of the ship. About one solar year after receiving her assignment to the refitted U.S.S. Enterprise, in 2272 she received her promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Both the Enterprise's Chief and Assistant Chief Medical Officer found Lieutenant Commander Dr. Helen Noel to be a competent officer and a very knowledgeable & skilled physician. During her second tour of duty on board the U.S.S. Enterprise, she formed and had a romantic type of relationship with Chief Engineer: Cmdr. Montgomery Scott. However, the romantic relationship ended tragically and abruptly when Lieutenant Commander Dr. Helen Noel was kidnapped by an unknown group & number of people, she was declared MIA - Missing in Action in 2274. The U.S.S. Enterprise was one of ten Federation Starships that was involved in conducting a phase one search of the immediate vicinity within which Dr. Helen Noel should have been located; the search revealed nothing of consequence and so it was expanded to cover a larger area and was also later cancelled in mid - 2274. She was officially declared not only MIA - Missing in Action, but she was also declared presumably dead too. The presumed death of Lieutenant Commander Dr. Helen Noel hit Drs. McCoy, Chris Chapel, Jim Kirk and Montgomery Scott hard.

From the time of her disappearance on the planet of Fasklan II in the early part of 2274 until her return in 2275, she had been kept under close guard by members of the Orion Syndicate, Romulan and Klingon Empires. During the thirteen months that she was held captive by these hostile galactic powers she was forced to participate in illegal and ethical experiments which were not recognized by the officials of any of these governments. The experiments were designed to change her original physiology, but her more dominant DNA genetic sequence prevailed each time to emerge stronger than the experiment being conducted on her. She was repeatly injected with bioneural toxins (poison) that was designed to be extremely painful to the victim that it was being used on; but her stronger anatomy & physiology still prevailed and managed to fight off the lethal amounts of the bioneural toxins (poison) on her own without her captors having to use the antidotes (counter-agents) to the poison. She went the most grueling forms of torture imaginable before she was finally able to escape from the Klingon Empire stealing a Scout - Class Bird of Prey in the process; pursuit was sent out after her and her bird of prey was reported as having been destroyed by its pursuers. In actuality the Bird of Prey that carried the battered form of Lieutenant Commander Dr. Helen Noel crossed into Federation Space adrift and the Federation/ Starfleet Border Patrol Cutter Cruiser: U.S.S. Bozeman NCC-1941 that was on patrol near the Klingon Neutral Zone discovered the badly damaged Klingon Bird of Prey adrift in Federation Space. The Bozeman's sensors indicated that there was only one lifeform on board that ship and the sensors indicated that the readings matched that of a badly injured Humanoid Female in Origin. The lone survivor was beamed over to the Bozeman for immediate treatment of her injuries whatever they were; the survivor turned out to be MIA - Lieutenant Commander Dr. Helen Elizabeth Noel. The Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Bozeman, Captain Morgan 'Bulldog' Bateson immediately contacted the refitted U.S.S. Enterprise's Commanding Officer - Flag Admiral/ Acting Captain James T. Kirk concerning the recovery of MIA - Lt. Cmdr. Dr. Helen Noel and that she was on board his ship and in surgery. Admiral Kirk proceeds to order the Enterprise to the Bozeman's position with all due speed, he wanted to be there when she pulled out of the surgery and so that he could get the details of what the hell happened and where she's been for the last thirteen months that she's been gone from the Enterprise. Plus he knew that Dr. McCoy & Chapel would be happy to render whatever aide and assistance they could to help Helen Noel pull through surgery and most especially for Cmdr. Montgomery Scott who had formed strong feelings for the beautiful Psychologist.

To Be Continued...

