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Star Trek - The Next Generation STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION TEASER FADE IN: INT. LT.CMD DATA'S QUARTER'S - EVENING Riker, Data, Geordi, Worf, Troi, and Dr. Crusher sit at a poker table playing Texas Hold'em. DATA The flop reveals an open ended straight draw. -Riker raises his eyebrows The bet is to you Counsellor. TROI I raise WORF (slowly) Fold. I prefer the old rules. -Geordi chuckles. He and Worf exchange glances. RIKER I'm in. GEORDI Last time I checked, there's still two cards coming. -Geordi pushes chips into the pot. CRUSHER It's getting rather late. I should go check on Wesley. DATA Doctor folds. Dealer calls. -Data delivers the 4th card, which is an ace of hearts. He then gestures to Troi for the first bet. TROI (stuffing her mouth full of truffles) RIKER Come now Counsellor, would you rather be scrubbing the warp coils with Wesley? I raise. -Riker pushes a healthy stack of chips into the pot. GEORDI Too rich for my blood. DATA Based on the statistical probabilities presented thus far, and the amount of chips in the pot. I see your bet Commander. -Data casts a hard glance in Riker's direction. Riker returns and then address Troi. RIKER Well Deanna, time to put down the chocolates and play the game. TROI -Troi finishes chewing for a long time while returning Riker's stare. I fold. DATA And now for the river. -Data flips over a king of clubs RIKER -Riker cast a hard stare across the table. Data returns. WORF Somebody must be bluffing. RIKER I'll raise -at this point it is revealed Riker holds a two pair (fives and aces) DATA I re-raise Commander RIKER -glances are exchanged (Riker starts sweating) GEORDI (whistling with enthusiasism) WORF He must. RIKER Well, Mr. Data. Are you in, or out? DATA I see your bet Commander. -Data begins to push his chips into the pot when the game is interrupted by an urgent communiqu‚ from Wesley Crusher. WESLEY (on intercom) RIKER (agitated) WESLEY (on intercom) RIKER I don't have time for ghost stories, Ensign, out with it! WESLEY (on intercom) RIKER What the hell is going on down there! Dammit Wesley, WESLEY (on intercom) -Zoom in on Riker. His face is sweaty. His jaw hangs open in shock. FADE OUT. ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. LT.CMD DATA'S QUARTER'S - EVENING -Geordi, Worf, Troi, and Data race out of Data's quarters. Just before exiting, Riker goes back to the poker table and flips Data's cards, exposing his bluff. Riker nods solemnly. INT. ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS -Riker briskly walking down the corridor. RIKER Could I have all senior staff report to the observation lounge? INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - MOMENTS LATER -Troi, Dr. Crusher, and Wesley are seated across from Data, Geordi, and Worf. Riker stands behind the chair at the head of the table. RIKER As you are all aware, Wesley here claims that Captain Picard is missing and possibly dead. Would you care to shed some light on this incident young Ensign Crusher. WESLEY Well, I was saying that- RIKER (interrupting) DR CRUSHER Commander, I will not have you talk to my son like that! TROI She's right Will; I'm sensing a lot of hostility from you. RIKER You're damn right I'm hostile! -Troi gasps, Wesley looks devastated and begins to sob. Beverly stands up and explodes. Riker paces around. DR CRUSHER That's my son you're condemning! -Beverly places a reassuring hand on Wesley's shoulder and sits down. These are trying times for all of us, but we need to stay focused. DATA We should determine the circumstances surrounding the Captain's disappearance. WORF He would not just, disappear. I suspect foul play. The Captain is an honourable warrior and would never have died without some form of treachery; we are close to Romulan territory. RIKER (impatiently) WESLEY (in between sobs) -Wesley falls apart. Beverly consoles him and Riker walks over and puts his hands on his shoulders. RIKER This is hard for all of us, but I'm sure if the Captain were here, he'd want us to stick together and get to the bottom of this. Let's not jump to any conclusions until we've investigated the matter further. Data, Geordi, I want you to get down to airlock fourteen and begin searching the area for anything that may help explain any of this. I'll contact Starfleet and inform them of the situation. In the meantime, I know this isn't easy, but we're Starfleet officers, and I know each and every one of you has the courage to see this through. Dismissed. INT. AIRLOCK 14 - MOMENTS LATER -Data scans the room with a tricorder while Geordi checks the internal sensors. GEORDI I don't know Data, internal sensors indicate he was down here, and then the door just opened without warning DATA The available evidence seems to suggest this could be a case of a simple computer malfunction. GEORDI (shaking his head) DATA I did not intend any disrespect to the Captain; I was simply referring to the facts at hand. GEORDI Data, sometimes there are more than just the facts. DATA As with other deceased colleagues, I have found that accepting the facts of the matter is often difficult, nevertheless, we must not look for answers that are not there. There is no transporter signature or any other anomalous residual traces of any kind being detected by the tricorder. Therefore, we must conclude that Captain Picard was in this room when the airlock opened at 19:03 hours. INT. CAPTAIN'S READY-ROOM - CONTINUOUS -Riker enters the Captain's ready room and has an awkward moment as he looks around then sits down in the Captain's chair. He begins contacting Starfleet. RIKER Computer, establish a link with Starfleet Command, Admiral Hastings. -Admiral Hastings appears on screen HASTINGS Commander Riker, what can I do for you? RIKER I have some distressing news Admiral. Moments ago Captain Picard was reported missing and presumed dead. A thorough investigation is underway. I will be sending Starfleet security daily updates on our progress. HASTINGS That is unfortunate news Commander, Captain Picard's death will be felt throughout the federation. -Transmission cuts out. Riker raises his eyebrows looking confused. The transmission returns HASTINGS Starfleet Command would like this matter to be resolved as soon as possible. Continue your investigation but know that Starfleet Security is sending an investigator of their own. RIKER (slightly agitated) HASTINGS Due to his unique relationship with Captain Picard, we're sending Ambassador Spock. -CU Riker in shock. FADE OUT. ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. TEN FORWARD - EVENING -Data, Geordi, and Troi sit at a table. The mood is intimate, the room is quiet. TROI Did you find anything? DATA The investigation has so far yielded no results. GEORDI No matter what we try, nothing seems to add up. For the Captain's life to end in a such a meaningless... TROI (placing a hand on Geordi's arm) DATA Yes Counsellor, I am having considerable difficulty in coping with the situation. While I have experienced the sudden loss of a colleague before, I find that I am reacting differently each time. TROI Data, that's perfectly normal. Unfortunately, loss is a part of life. All I can say is that you're not alone. I sense a lot of pain and confusion from the crew, why should you be any different. We all want a resolution. GEORDI I don't think any of us are going to be able to move on until we know what really happened down there in that airlock. -Enter Riker. He looks around, orders a drink, and approaches the trio's table. RIKER (standing behind an empty chair, addressing no one in particular) TROI No, please join us. RIKER -He flips the chair around in one swift motion and sits down placing his glass of Saurian Brandy firmly on the table. Addressing Geordi and Data. I've looked over your report, and quite frankly, it still leaves a lot of unanswered questions. I mean, what the hell does this mean, a 4.5 second lag on subsidiary level 9 diagnostic? TROI Will, I'm sensing a lot of anger from you... RIKER You're damn right I'm angry! I just heard from Starfleet Command that Admiral Hastings has chosen to undermine my authority over this investigation! GEORDI What do you mean? RIKER They've decided to send Ambassador Spock because of his unique relationship with the Captain. GEORDI Spock? TROI You among all of us had the closest relationship with him. Why should anybody else be more qualified? RIKER Apparently Spock's mind-meld with the Captain makes him better qualified than the first officer of the Federation's flagship! -Transmission from O'Brien cuts in. O'BRIEN (on intercom) RIKER That's no mistake Chief, prepare to receive him. I'm on my way. Data, you're with me. INT. SHUTTLE BAY - MOMENTS LATER -O'Brien greets Riker, Data, Worf, and Troi. The Ambassador's shuttlecraft has just arrived. Spock exits. SPOCK (making Vulcan gesture with his hand) RIKER (reluctantly) (gesturing to the crew) I trust you remember my senior staff, Mr. Data, Worf- SPOCK (cutting to the chase) -Riker shoots a puzzled look to his crew and then turns back to Spock. RIKER (objecting) SPOCK Will all due respect Commander; I see no reason to delay starting my investigation. Take me to where we can speak privately. RIKER (solemnly) -Riker escorts Spock out of the shuttle bay INT. TURBOLIFT - CONTINUOUS RIKER I'm surprised Starfleet Command has taken time out of your important mission on Romulus to take on the investigation of a simple computer malfunction. SPOCK Starfleet Command believes this matter goes beyond what you consider to be a simple computer malfunction. RIKER (forgetting he is addressing a superior) SPOCK Apparently so Commander, otherwise I would not be here now. My mind-meld with Picard offers me an intimate insight no one else has...not even his first officer. RIKER (biting his tongue) SPOCK That is required of you. INT. READY ROOM - CONTINUOUS -Riker enters and sits down in the Captain's chair. He looks uneasy as he watches Spock sit and return his stare. RIKER -sliding Spock a PADD Here are the preliminary reports from our investigation. So far, we have not been able to pinpoint the cause of the accident. SPOCK Very good Commander. In order to conduct my investigation to the best of my ability, I require unrestricted computer access, including the personal logs of your senoir staff. RIKER What do the personal logs have to do with the Captain's death? Are we under suspicion here? SPOCK I am not at liberty to answer that question. I have priority one orders from Starfleet Security, and I expect you to be forthcoming with my requests. Please see to it that the computer in my quarters is granted the necessary access. RIKER (glibly) INT. SPOCK'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS -Spock is seated in front of a computer while he accesses the personal logs of the crew. SPOCK Computer, play the personal log of Riker, William T-First Officer of the Enterprise, stardate 45221.9. COMPUTER Accessing. -A holographic video appears showing Riker. Ominous music begins to play as Spock reacts to alarming news. RIKER First Officer's log, stardate 45221.9. We just finished our mission with Ambassador Spock on Romulus, which reached what can only be described as a less than desirable conclusion. I must confess that lately the Captain has made certain decisions that I can't say I've agreed with, and sometimes I think he subordinates the needs of the crew to his personal feelings for Ambassador Spock. I feel as though if this continues, I may have no other choice but to take matters into my own hands. -The image cuts out. SPOCK Computer, please establish contact with Admiral Hastings. -Admiral Hastings appears on screen. HASTINGS What have you found, Ambassador? SPOCK I believe I have a suspect in the murder of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. FADE OUT. ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS -Spock is seated in a darkened room, looking contemplative. SPOCK Commander Riker, please report to the observation lounge. -Commander Riker enters, Spock directs him to sit at the opposite end of the table. There is an awkward silence. RIKER Well? Is there anything I can help you with? SPOCK I would like you to answer a few simple questions, Commander. RIKER Very well. -Riker looks apprehensive. SPOCK I have been reviewing your personal logs from stardates 43221.9 to 43424.6 RIKER (Riker on screen) SPOCK Do you care to elaborate on this comment? RIKER (angrily) SPOCK I am not questioning your loyalty to this ship, Commander, I am merely trying to address your apparent lack of trust in it's Captain. Quite frankly your personal logs speak for themselves. RIKER If you ask me you have no business looking at my personal logs, and you certainly had no business coming aboard the Enterprise in the first place. If you think this sort of hearsay and conjecture will stand up as evidence in a court- martial, you've got another thing coming! SPOCK If you would only allow me to continue and hold your emotional outbursts in check then I will proceed with my questioning. The day before the Captain's death you made the following entry: -Log of Riker appears on screen. RIKER First Officer's log, supplementary. So I was doing a bone solo with Counsellor Troi last night when Geordi informed me that he wouldn't be able to make it to our slated poker match for tomorrow night, due to a bit of routine maintenance he felt he had to perform. One of the advantages of being the First Officer is that you can cancel burdensome airlock diagnostics. I hope Geordi can play now. SPOCK -Cuts off the log. The airlock in question, Commander, was fourteen. -Riker looks horrified. RIKER (changing the subject, with his head in his hands) SPOCK I understand the facts, Commander. You remain the prime suspect in this investigation, and I will treat you accordingly. You are hereby confined to quarters, effective immediately. Do you understand or should I call security? RIKER (glibly) INT. LT. CMD DATA'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS -Geordi, Troi, Beverly, Wesley, Worf, O'Brien, and Data are intensely discussing the situation. WORF We cannot just sit here while the Commander is locked in his quarters and the Enterprise sits next to Romulan space. TROI (angrily) O'BRIEN (nursing a beer, under his breath) TROI Listen! -Her head begins to hurt her, and she winces in pain. DR CRUSHER Deanna, are you all right? TROI (obviously concealing pain) DATA We must still respect the authority of Ambassador Spock, despite our personal feelings towards Commander Riker. Meanwhile, Geordi and I will continue to conduct our own investigation. GEORDI That's right, Data, but you don't have to take my word for it. DR CRUSHER I've gone over my scans of the airlock and cross-referenced them with the computer's internal sensor logs and the results are always the same. Jean-Luc was in that room when it decompressed, or that's what the computer thinks. To get to the truth, we can't just keep scanning the same room. DATA There is little else we can do at this point, Doctor. O'BRIEN (hoisting his frosty mug) -Spills beer all over himself, Worf suddenly explodes and smashes O'Brien's mug onto the floor. O'Brien seems unfazed. WORF We...are...vulnerable! TROI (calmly) -CU reaction shots of all the character's faces. WORF He has honour. WESLEY He'll need more than that this time! -Quick shot of Counsellor Troi in pain. GEORDI Don't worry, Counsellor, you know we have full confidence in the Commander. Let's do what the Captain would have wanted. He would want us to stick together and take care of each other. -Shot of O'Brien ordering a drink from the replicator. DATA Let us not forget the Commander was with us at the time of the incident. He would have had to take considerable measures to orchestrate an assault on the Captain. We have every reason to believe at this point that the Captain entered the airlock of his own volition. GEORDI (frustrated) DATA According to Starfleet records, there have been 143 reported accidents of this nature involving galaxy class starships. GEORDI These aren't just statistics we're talking about. TROI (touching Geordi's arm) DR CRUSHER With Will confined to quarters and under suspicion from none other than Spock, we need to take a stand. WORF We have served with Commander Riker for many years, fought side by side in honourable combat. He has earned our loyalty. O'BRIEN (downing a pint) WESLEY (excitedly) INT. READY ROOM - LATER -Spock sits at the Captain's computer terminal reviewing crew log entries. Zoom in shot on Spock's back reveals a small, blinking device attached to the base of his neck. CUT. WESLEY (on screen in mid- sentence) SPOCK (dismissively) -Hits controls to bring up another log entry. TROI (on screen) SPOCK (looking sinister as he turns off the screen and turns in his chair) -Enables comm. Senior bridge staff, report to the observation lounge immediately. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - MOMENTS LATER -Spock is seated at the head of the table. Beverly, Data, Worf, Geordi, and Troi enter the room and sit down. SPOCK By now I am sure you are all aware that Commander Riker has been confined to quarters, pending the completion of my investigation. I have reason to believe that Commander Riker may be responsible for Captain Picard's death. ALL (outbursts, confusion) -Reaction shots of everyone. GEORDI Where's your evidence? TROI (starting to break down) SPOCK That he did not do. At the very least, my evidence suggests he was negligent, not only in his duty to his crew, but also to his Captain. DATA I would very much like to review your evidence, Ambassador. SPOCK With pleasure. -Begins handing out PADD's to everyone. As you will find, my deductions are quite logical. -Troi bursts into tears after briefly reading the report. Worf snaps and throws his PADD across the table and grabs Spock. WORF (very angrily) SPOCK Lieutenant, your attitude is not becoming of a Starfleet officer. You are still expected to conduct your duty. If your relationship with Commander Riker is a conflict of interest, I will be forced to confine you to your quarters as well. DATA I do not believe that what you have construed as evidence will suffice in a Federation court- martial. Any motive is purely circumstantial. SPOCK Commander Riker's personal logs fail to provide him with an alibi and present us with a clear- -Worf interrupts. WORF (aggressively) SPOCK Then you leave me with little choice. Security, escort Lieutenant Worf to the brig. -Riker bursts into the room, armed with a security escort, phasers drawn. RIKER (smugly, shoulders wide) FADE OUT. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS RIKER (smugly) SPOCK On what grounds, Commander? RIKER -Riker pensively looks around the table at his bridge crew. Smiling, one by one they stand firmly in support of the Commander's position. After exchanging sentimental glances all eyes fall on the Ambassador. (smugly) SPOCK Mutiny is a highly illogical course of action. RIKER So be it. Mr. Worf, get him out of my sight! WORF Gladly. -Worf approaches Spock with an obvious air of victory and attempts to grab his arm to escort him but Spock shakes him away. Worf backs down after growling and begins to escort him to his quarters. SPOCK Commander Riker, your career is finished, I will personally see to that. INT. TURBOLIFT - CONTINUOUS -Worf and Spock en route to Spock's quarters. SPOCK You do realize that you are an accessory to mutiny Lieutenant? WORF It is not mutiny to do what honour demands. SPOCK You speak of honour when your actions display betrayal. I expected you of all people to understand justice. WORF (angrily) -Turbolift doors open and they exit. INT. SPOCK'S QUARTERS - MOMENTS LATER -Spock is seated in his quarters. The lights are low. He produces a small, blinking device from his pocket that he attaches to the computer terminal. The device makes a brief beeping noise. SPOCK Computer, establish a link with the optical data network and emit an inverse tachyon pulse link-up through the auxiliary communications array. COMPUTER Processing. TOMALAK Progress report sub-commander? SPOCK (with a notable emotion change in character) -Shot of Tomalak on screen TOMALAK You have failed me sub- commander. The Romulan Star Empire does not tolerate such incompetence. We will lure the Enterprise here ourselves by emitting a fake distress signal. The Enterprise will cross the Neutral Zone hoping to render aid and assistance; that is when we will destroy them. SPOCK What about me? TOMALAK You can still help in the success of this mission by disabling their weapons systems. SPOCK But Captain Tomalak, I'll be destroyed in the process. TOMALAK (laughing) -End transmission. Spock angrily pounds his fist on the table. INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS -The crew mans their posts. Riker sits in the Captain's chair. RIKER It's good to be back! WESLEY (from helm) -Riker smiles broadly. A beeping sound suddenly alerts the crew. DATA Captain, we are receiving an intermittent distress beacon at coordinates 679 mark 6. RIKER -Riker walks over to Data's terminal and puts his leg up high on his console. But that's inside the Neutral Zone. DATA Affirmative, Captain. We could arrive in approximately 17 minutes and 29 seconds at warp five. -Long pause. DR CRUSHER What if these people need our help? WORF This could be a Romulan ploy. DATA There are no unusual readings in the vicinity of these coordinates. -Troi looks at Will sympathetically RIKER I'd like us to be in and out as quickly as possible. Data, how fast can we be there at maximum warp? DATA Approximately 2 minutes and 16 seconds. RIKER Set a course, Wes. WESLEY Aye Captain, I sure don't have a good feeling about this. WORF (under his breath in Klingon) RIKER What's that Lieutenant? WORF Nothing, I was merely commenting on the K'tlagh of young Ensign Crusher. DR CRUSHER (angrily) -Riker spins around with a smirk on his face to watch the action. WORF No. DATA Captain, we are within visual range of the distress beacon. RIKER On screen. -Viewscreen reveals nothing. Riker looks puzzled. RIKER Are you sure these are the right coordinates Data? DATA Confirmed Captain. The distress signal ends five million kilometres off our port-bow. INT. SPOCK'S QUARTER - EVENING -Spock pries open a wall panel exposing a shaft. He crawls inside. INT. JEFFRIES TUBE - CONTINUOUS -Spock looks determined as he makes his escape. INT. BRIDGE - MOMENTS LATER DATA Captain, I am picking up some unusual sensor readings. WORF (abruptly) RIKER (standing) -Sirens blare as the Enterprise takes damage. EXT. ENTERPRISE -Two Romulan warbirds attack the Enterprise. INT. BRIDGE - MOMENTS LATER RIKER Return fire! Full torpedo spread! WORF Direct hit on one, no damage to the other. RIKER (in chaos) -Spock appears on the Bridge out of nowhere. WORF (noticing Spock) RIKER (turning to look) SPOCK Captain, you have to surrender the Enterprise. Spare your crew. You are outnumbered and outgunned, the logical course of action would be to give up now! RIKER This is no time for logic! Get him off my bridge. -A power surge suddenly explodes at Wesley's station. He is badly burned. Dr. Crusher performs a site-to-site transport with him to sickbay. DR CRUSHER Wesley! Emergency site-to-site transport. Two to beam directly to sickbay. -Enterprise continues to get pummelled. RIKER (desperately) -Troi's terminal explodes into flames and Riker goes to help her. Smoke and flames blanket the bridge. In the chaos, Spock moves behind Worf and performs the Vulcan nerve pinch. Worf falls to the ground and he begins disabling the weapons systems. RIKER (noticing) -Data gets up. CU of Spock about to deactivate weapons when suddenly the turbolift doors open and he is immediately hit by a phaser beam in the back. His face contorts in agony before he falls to the ground dead, revealing Captain Picard; his arms extended holding a phaser. ACT FIVE INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS PICARD Data! Take the Enterprise to coordinates 5243! DATA Aye, Captain. RIKER Captain, how did you- PICARD I'll explain later, number one. Right now we need to rendezvous with the Klingons. RIKER (eyebrows raised) EXT. ENTERPRISE -The ship moves into the protection of several Klingon vessels, which simultaneously decloak and begin attacking the Romulan vessels. INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS DATA Several Klingon vessels are decloaking. The Romulans have begun to retreat back towards their own territory. PICARD Take us out of the Neutral Zone, full impulse. Go to yellow alert. -All eyes fall on Picard; Worf is by this point back at tactical. PICARD (jokingly) RIKER (confused) PICARD I would be happy to tell you, Number One, INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS -The senior staff is seated, except Geordi and Dr. Crusher. PICARD (sipping tea) RIKER (raising his eyebrows, stating the obvious) PICARD Gowron still owed me a favour following my role as the Arbiter of Succession during the Klingon Civil War, so I arranged to have all of his intelligence regarding reunification sent to me. According to his reports, Ambassador Spock quietly disappeared on Romulus only a week after meeting several times with a known aide to our old friend Captain Tomalak. RIKER (arms folded) PICARD I was sure that Ambassador Spock had been abducted and replaced with a Romulan impostor, but with Starfleet ignoring all of my requests for additional information, I began to devise my own plan to expose this Romulan ploy. I knew that if anything were to happen to me, only Ambassador Spock would be sent to investigate. DATA How were you certain Starfleet would send Ambassador Spock? PICARD Our mind-meld only a few months earlier made him the perfect candidate to conduct this investigation. I knew that by faking my own death, I would bring this Romulan impostor out into the open. RIKER We're lucky you arrived when you did, but how did you find us? PICARD I was beamed aboard a cloaked Klingon vessel at the exact moment airlock 16 decompressed. We monitored Romulan activity throughout the Neutral Zone in case the impostor tried to manoeuvre the Enterprise into a trap. A warp signature was traced to Galorndon Core from a Romulan warbird that took part in the attack against the Enterprise. I suspect the real Spock is being held there on the surface. That way, if the impostor were revealed, Ambassador Spock could be released within Federation territory, as if nothing happened. RIKER (impressed) WORF Typical Romulan treachery. PICARD Which is why we must act quickly. Picard to Engineering. INT. ENGINEERING - CONTINUOUS -Geordi busy at work. GEORDI LaForge here. PICARD (on intercom) GEORDI We've sustained heavy damage, and repairs are still underway. All I can give you is warp 2.5. INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS PICARD (flipping his fingers) EXT. ENTERPRISE -Enterprise goes to warp and arrives at Galorndon Core. INT. BRIDGE - LATER -Senior staff at stations. Troi is now on the bridge. DATA Standard orbit. PICARD Scan the surface for Vulcan life signs. DATA Scanning...there is severe electromagnetic interference in the atmosphere of the planet. PICARD Mr. Worf, can you boost sensor output? WORF (working at his panel) -Data's computer begins to beep. DATA Captain, I am picking up several faint biosigns within close proximity of each other on the north-western hemisphere of the planet. PICARD Counsellor, do you have any thoughts? TROI (closing her eyes) PICARD Well let's find out. Data, Mr. Worf, you're with me. Picard to Dr. Crusher, report to transporter room three. RIKER (concerned) PICARD I have to, Number One. The Romulans have gone too far this time. The line must be drawn here! If you only knew Spock the way I do, you'd understand. RIKER Well then I'm going with you. PICARD Very well, but we had better hurry. Counsellor Troi, you have the bridge. -Worf, Data, Riker, and Picard exit the bridge through aft turbolift. INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM THREE - MOMENTS LATER -O'Brien hiccups in the empty room, drinking an ale, and looking rather drunk. The away team walks in with Dr. Crusher and Ensign Franklin. O'BRIEN It's good to have you back, Captain! -Picard smiles and the away team walks onto the transporter pad. I have the beamdown coordinates set at a kilometer away from the biosigns. PICARD Thank you, Chief. Phasers set to maximum stun. Energize. -The away team adjusts phasers and disappears down to the surface of the planet. EXT. GALORNDON CORE - EVENING -The planet's surface is a rocky, desolate wasteland, plagued by constant electromagnetic disturbances and magnetic storms. The away team materializes. PICARD (yelling over the storm) DR CRUSHER (reading her tricorder and shaking her head) PICARD Then pair off, and fan out! -The group breaks up into teams and begins to search the area, tricorders drawn. Picard is with Franklin, Riker is with Worf, and Beverly is with Data. After searching the rugged terrain for a short while a disruptor blast suddenly hits Franklin. He goes down and is hit several more times, screaming, then dies while coughing up blood. The away team reacts quickly and sees the Romulan attackers, taking cover wherever possible. WORF Ensign Franklin! -Shot of the Romulans grinning. They continue to lay down fire from higher ground, at the mouth of a deep cave. Worf disappears as a firefight ensues, while Riker dodges heavy fire. Moments later, Worf jumps from above, snapping the neck of one Romulan, and in a graceful move, spins around slits the throat of the other with his Mek'lek. In the name of Kahless! The situation has been neutralized, Captain. RIKER (grinning to Picard and Beverly) -Riker has a brief chuckle as the away team walks to the mouth of the cave, where they encounter a force field. DATA This appears to be a standard Romulan mobile force field unit. PICARD Can you disable it? DATA Unfortunately, our equipment is not suited to work under these severe conditions. However, a composite titanium alloy in the casing of my upper body should be sufficient to disrupt the field. RIKER (impatiently) -Data selflessly throws himself into the force field. After a green flash, followed by an electronic buzz, the field collapses. DR CRUSHER Are you all right, Data? DATA I appear to be functioning within normal parameters. PICARD Have your wits about you. The Romulans would rather die than surrender. RIKER I don't see any problem with that. WORF It would be a fitting end to this typical Romulan treachery. PICARD (sternly) -Away team exchanges glances and enters the cave. INT. CAVE - CONTINUOUS -The away team makes their way through a tight rock passageway, until it opens to a larger room. They round the next corner where two Romulans are holding Spock. He is wearing shackles, but is not gagged. After seeing the away team, the Romulans quickly turn their disruptors on Spock. ROMULAN One step closer and Ambassador Spock dies. -Worf takes an aggressive posture, but Picard looks over to restrain him. PICARD Lieutenant! -Worf relaxes. You're outnumbered and trapped on a Federation planet. You're in no position to be making demands. ROMULAN We know how much he means to your precious Federation. If he dies, you will have to answer for it. PICARD You would dare to threaten the life of Ambassador Spock inside Federation territory. Long have we suspected a Romulan base on Galorndon core, but now you have finally been found out. You can still leave now, in peace, and you will not be harmed, but surely you must realize that to kill this man would mean open war between our two peoples. ROMULAN I see your diplomatic reputation has been well earned. The Tal Shiar will learn of this. -The two Romulan soldiers exchange glances and beam out of the cavern. EXT.ORBITTING GALORNDEN CORE -A Romulan scout ship decloaks and breaks orbit, leaving the star system. INT. CAVE - CONTINUOUS -Dr. Crusher scans Spock while Data helps him out of his constraints. RIKER You're not going to let them get away with this are you? PICARD Let them go, number one. They will still be held accountable by Tomalak. I want the Romulan senate to know what happened here today. We've done our duty to reinforce the territorial sovereignty of the Federation in this sector for now. DATA Maintaining a base on Galorndon Core will no longer we feasible. I suspect the Romulans will be avoiding this planet for some time. -Spock is finally unfettered and rises. PICARD Ambassador...Spock, are you all right? SPOCK I am unharmed. Thank you for rescuing me Captain Picard. I must ask, how did you know where to look for me? PICARD While I was aboard the Klingon ship monitoring the activities of your doppelganger, we tracked the residual warp signature of several cloaked Romulan vessels frequenting this system. Due to the severe atmospheric disturbances on the planet's surface, I suspected Galorndon Core would make for an excellent hiding spot, right on the edge of the Neutral Zone. SPOCK A logical deduction. PICARD I'd be happy to tell you more but I think it would be best if we beam back to the Enterprise. -The away team vanishes the cave. INT. READY ROOM - LATER -Spock is seated and Picard stands in front of the replicator. PICARD Tea, earl grey, hot. -The beverage materializes and Picard sits down beside Spock. So tell me, Ambassador, what do you remember before your capture on Romulus? SPOCK My efforts in the underground had been progressing unusually well since we last spoke. I had finished arranging a series of meetings with a Romulan senator sympathetic towards the reunification of Vulcan and Romulus. PICARD Yes, I've been following your progress reports. SPOCK What you will not find in those reports Captain, is that this particular Romulan senator was in fact a trusted aide to Captain Tomalak. During our third meeting, I was led into a trap that delivered me right into the hands of the Tal Shiar's security officer. I became the subject of numerous invasive scans and interrogations that I surmised could serve only one logical purpose, to brief an impostor. A number of weeks pasted before I was brought to Galorndon Core where I have been held ever since. I must say Captain Picard, your cunning ploy of faking your own death, however illogical, proved quite effective. Not only did you expose my impostor, but you also brought into light this Romulan betrayal. After this incident, the Romulans will be forced to abandon their plans to establish a secret military installation in Federation space. PICARD I was only doing my duty as a loyal Starfleet officer. SPOCK My progress reports have always been accessible to all Starfleet personnel. There is no reason why that data would be restricted, especially to you. -Picard looks troubled as he stands and turns to gaze out the window at the trailing stars. PICARD (solemnly, after a moment) -Spock's eyebrows raise and he sits back in his chair contemplatively. Picard, still staring out into space. PICARD (coldly) -Camera dollies away from Picard as he stands in front of the window. THE END
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